Please upload a word document with the following information for the Proposal Narrative (2-4 pages):
- Organizational Mission: Briefly describe your organization’s history, mission and principal activities and most noteworthy accomplishments.
- Issue and Need: What issue/need are you planning to address with this grant?
- Provide data or information to support the need for your work.
- Why is it timely or urgent to address this issue/need now
- Project Description: Please describe the program or project, and how a grant award not to exceed $20,000 from The Patriots Connection would be used.
- Describe the work you are proposing to do to address the specific issue/need you have identified.
- List and describe the specific objective and related outcomes of the project.
- Provide a project timeline that illustrates when activities, objectives, and outcomes will be achieved; describe how timeline corresponds to the project budget.
- Identify and describe the names, titles, and roles of primary staff, volunteers, or consultants with fiduciary and managerial responsibility for project activities.
- How does project align with your organization’s mission and vision of success?
- If project requires collaborations with others (e.g., nonprofits, community groups, government, for-profit), what resources (financial or otherwise) will partners bring to the project?
- Target Population: Describe the geographic areas served and demographics of the population targeted.
- Program Activities: Describe the services planned, the means of identifying/recruiting participants, and the specific activities available to program participants (e.g., what will participants do, learn, experience, etc.)