Rancho Santa Fe Foundation Logo

Keeping Our Partners Safe: RSFF Practices to Minimize Cyber Security Vulnerabilities

Cyber Security Vulnerabilities Information

Rancho Santa Fe Foundation prides itself on our ability to be excellent stewards of philanthropic money in the community. Of course, this also makes our organization a target for cyber threats. While we have implemented many levels of security to minimize these vulnerabilities, in our current world there is no such thing as perfect security. Both human factors and changing technology put information and our systems at risk. We think it is important to share with our community partners what we’re doing to minimize vulnerabilities and what you can expect when working with the RSFF team.

We will never ask for your personal information via email or through our website.

Please do not share sensitive information with RSFF through email. Also be aware that no forms on our website exist to collect sensitive information. Never enter information about your account(s) on an untrusted webpage.

We will not share sensitive fund information without the proper identity verification.

When funds are established at RSFF, authorized fund advisors are named. We will only share information regarding a fund with those named fund advisors. If you have updates to this information regarding your fund, please contact Trina to complete the necessary paperwork.

We will never change banking/wire instructions via email.

Never wire transfer money to the Foundation without calling our office and speaking with someone on the Foundation staff to confirm the wire information first. We will never change wire instructions via email. Again, if you receive an email with wire instructions, please call first to verify the information before initiating ANY wire transfer.

We will not conduct business over voicemails.

Speaking directly with a staff person is the only way to confirm information. Please do not leave sensitive information on our voicemail system. Our staff will not leave sensitive information regarding our systems or your account(s) on your voicemail either.

We will not share sensitive documents on the public side of our website.

Access to these forms will come directly from staff through secured systems. If you need a form, please contact a staff member, who will be happy to provide them.

We are here to help.

If you ever suspect suspicious behavior when receiving communication from Rancho Santa Fe Foundation or while visiting our website, contact our staff. The best and most secure way to ensure you have the proper information is to speak with us directly.

Additional Resources: